

美[ʌn'sweɪd]  英[ʌn'sweɪd]
adj.  不受影响的


  1. not influenced or affected;

    "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world" "unswayed by personal considerations"


  1. He was an unapologetically 18th-century character who was unswayed by the usual blandishments of fame or status in Washington. (“Have you read Proust? 他不愿道歉、有着18世纪复古风的性格,即使在华盛顿惯常的有关名誉和地位的蜜罐中,依然我行我素。
  2. We praise You Jesus for the way You followed the will of Your Father, unswayed by the world, even unto death on a cross. 耶稣,我们赞美您专心遵行天父的旨意,您毫不被世界所动摇,最后甚至死在十字架上。
  3. The Obama Administration is unswayed, pointing out that the Bush Administration had intervened with government loans by the time the new team arrived. 奥巴马政府不为所动,指出在新政府诞生之前布什政府已经通过政府贷款的形式进行干预了。
  4. Investors were unswayed when the Fed pumped $41 billion into the U.S. financial system, one of its largest cash infusions since the credit crisis began in the summer. 投资者均不为所动,当美联储泵浦41000000000美元进入美国金融系统,它的一个最大的现金输液,因为信用危机在今年夏季开始的。
  5. Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man, 我的心不受统治,我的身体失去了灵魂
  6. unswayed by personal considerations. 不为个人因素所动。
