

美[ˌvæpə'retoʊ]  英[ˌvæpə'retəʊ]
n.  (运河中载客的)交通汽艇


  1. Palanca is the nearest vaporetto stop. 大部分的公寓都能够俯视威尼斯的景致。
  2. People go to work by Vaporetto(Water bus)or water taxis in Venice. 水上巴士将会是你使用得最多的,也最常使用的交通工具。
  3. Vaporetto is one of the motorized boat-buses that ply the Grand Canal. “公共汽艇”是一种装有马达的,在大运河上定期来回,类似公共汽车的汽艇。
  4. A national transport strike affecting the Venice's 'vaporetto' water buses has made the situation worse. 国家罢工影响运输威尼斯的' vaporetto水巴士恶化。
  5. As you cruise down the Grand Canal, Venice's main” street,” in a vaporetto or water taxi, you'll pass under the Rialto Bridge, a famous Venetian landmark. 当你游览大运河,租上水上出租船游览威尼斯的主要“街道”时,你将穿越丽阿托桥底,著名的威尼斯建筑标志之一。
  6. As you cruise down the Grand Canal, Venice’s main” street,” in a vaporetto or water taxi, you’ll pass under the Rialto Bridge, a famous Venetian landmark. 在1291年威尼斯所有的玻璃制作工匠必需迁往穆腊诺小岛,因为这些玻璃工艺制造厂危及这座城市的木结构建筑物。
