

美['veɪsəl]  英['veɪsl]
adj.  管的;脉管的


  1. Results: Vasal reconstruction using microsurgery was performed in 8 cases, 4 of them have normal spermatozoon and get fertile. 结果采用显微外科手术直接行端端吻合或改变输精管行程行端端吻合术,8例成功复通,其中4例精液正常者均获生育。
  2. Objective To investigate the effect of vasal viscoelasticity on wall shear stress of pulsatile flow under the influence of Rolling Massage. 目的研究血管粘弹性对脉动血流在扌衮法推拿作用下切应力的影响。
  3. Objective To investgate the treatment of asthenospermia and necrospermia infertility with percutaneous vasal sperm aspiration ( PVSA) and intrauterine insemination ( IUI) . 目的探索采用经皮穿刺输精管吸精子(PVSA)行宫腔内人工授精(IUI)的方法治疗极弱精子症或死精子症不育患者。
  4. Conclusion Rabbits vasal ligation that is distant from the scrotum and epididymis via a ventral midline incision could lessen surgical trauma and reduce early post-operational complications. 结论远离阴囊和附睾的经下腹正中切口的兔输精管结扎术,可减轻手术创伤,减少术后早期并发症。
  5. Vasal sterilization is the main method for male birth control. The main methods which have drawn great interest are no-scalped vasectomy(NSV),chemical vas occlusion(CVO) and MPUvas occlusion(MPU). 输精管绝育方法仍是当前男性节育的主要措施,目前颇有影响的3种绝育方法是直视钳穿输精管结扎术(NSV)、输精管注射粘堵法(CVO)、输精管注射栓堵法(MPU)。
  6. Vasal sterilization is the main method for male birth control.The main methods which have drawn great interest are no-scalped vasectomy(NSV),chemical vas occlusion(CVO) and MPUvas occlusion(MPU). 输精管绝育方法仍是当前男性节育的主要措施,目前颇有影响的3种绝育方法是直视钳穿输精管结扎术(NSV)、输精管注射粘堵法(CVO)、输精管注射栓堵法(MPU)。
