

美[ˌægrə'deɪʃən]  英[ˌægrə'deɪʃən]
n.  加积(淤高;浚填)


  1. The third factor resulted in the aggradation of main river valley. 河川的再下切则均与沈积物减少有关。
  2. The superfine boron powder was coated by aggradation method with AP using methanol or acetone as the solvent. 采用沉积法,以甲醇、丙酮为溶剂,AP为主要原料,对超细硼粉进行包覆。
  3. Methods Field research and aggradation lab analysis, historical data textual research. 方法实地考察、结合沉积物粒度分析及历史文献资料考证。
  4. The aggradation of the Lower Yellow River is caused mainly by the coarse particles larger than 0 .05 mm. 黄河下游的淤积大部分是由粒径大于0.05毫米的粗泥沙造成的。
  5. Drop of water is smaller, riverbed is very broad, and runoff is very large, current velocity is small, aggradation is prominent. 这一时期河床特性是:河床宽,比降小,流量大,流速小,河流的沉积作用比较强。
  6. The aggradation decreased the transportation ability of main stream, that in turn lead to the development of alluvial fans. 至于各项因素的相对重要性,有待进一步研究。
