

美  英
n.  利奥诺拉(Eleanor的异体)(f


  1. Her husband works as Jeepney driver, but with the help of his mother will care for their sons while Leonora is working. 她的丈夫是吉普车司机,在她出外工作时,她的妈妈会负责照顾她的儿子。
  2. When the Leonora arrives on the scene, Lund and our rib driver start whistling to the whales. “雷欧诺拉号”来到现场时,朗德和我们的橡皮艇驾驶员开始对那些鲸鱼吹口哨。
  3. I had the great fortune to meet a Russian woman named Leonora on a flight between the U.S. and Europe. 我在美欧的航班上有幸认识了一位名叫蕾奥诺拉的俄罗斯女子。
  4. When Leonora invited my husband and me to visit her in Russia, we jumped at the opportunity. 当蕾奥诺拉邀请我和我先生去俄罗斯拜访她时,我们毫不迟疑地答应了。
  5. I had the great fortune to meet a Russian woman named Leonora on a flight between the U. 我在美欧的航班上有幸认识了一位名叫蕾奥诺拉的俄罗斯女子。
  6. It’s front-row seating for everyone aboard Lund’s 50-person boat, the Leonora, with eye-popping views of some spectacular orca behavior. 在朗德这艘50人座的船“雷欧诺拉号”上,每个人彷佛都坐进了第一排特区,有最好的视野,得以饱览虎鲸令人叹为观此的表演活动。
